CBSA – Customs Notice – COVID-19: Tariff Classification and Other Information to Import Medical Supplies 31 March, 2020

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Actual classification will depend on type of garment and if for males or females.
Example: a unisex full body woven suit impregnated with plastics would be classified under 6210.50 – Other women’s or girls’ garments
Bulk H2O2 whether or not with solidified with urea
H2O2 put up for internal or external use as a medicine, including as an antiseptic for the skin. Only covered here if in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale (including directly to hospitals) for such use.
A liquid or gel generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands, alcohol-based type
H2O2 put up as cleaning solutions for surfaces or apparatus
Electrical or electronic equipment for the observation of a disease, condition or one or several medical parameters over time. This includes such devices as pulse oximeters or bedside monitoring stations used for continuous monitoring of various vital signs.
(Note: this does not include devices more specifically covered elsewhere e.g. electro-cardiographs (9018.11) or electronic thermometers (9025.19).)
Provides prolonged cardiac and respiratory support by removing blood from the person’s body and artificially removing the carbon dioxide and oxygenating red blood cells
Provides mechanical ventilation by moving breathable air into and out of the lungs
As well as complete oxygen therapy apparatus, this subheading also covers recognisable parts of such systems
Uses a rotating X-ray machine to image thin slices of the body to diagnose diseases such as pneumonia
For example, digital thermometers, or infrared thermometers for placing on the forehead
Read complete CBSA Notice, click here…